Lehmbau - youngsters build a place for guests
Together with the City of Augsburg, the “Augsburger Lehmbaugruppe” developed the idea of a comfortable new youth hostel with a beautiful ambience. Thus, as a project for reintegrating disadvantaged youths, a former administration building was converted into what is now the DJH Youth Hostel Augsburg and hostel Sleps in 2006 – places where today people from all over the world meet.
The project introduced the youths to the challenges of the working world and gave them a goal as well as a possibility to identify with their work. More than 60 youngsters took this chance and many of them made the transition into the primary job market.
The DJH Youth Hostel Augsburg and the hostel Sleps are part of the Augsburger Gesellschaft für Lehmbau, Bildung und Arbeit e.V. (Society for Mudbrick Building, Education, and Work). The Lehmbaugruppe is a diversified educational organization, which is active with different institutions in the greater Augsburg Swabia region. You will find more information on the Lehmbaugruppe’s social commitment at www.lehmbau.de